Shimane Aquarium AQUAS (Shimane) – Access, Hours & Fees

The Shimane Aquarium is a shark-shaped aquarium in the eastern part of Shimane Prefecture. It is the only aquarium in western Japan where you can see a beluga whale. There are about 400 species and 10,000 sea creatures to see here, from marine life from the Amazon and the world to local marine life from the Sea of Japan near Shimane.

Watch a performance by the beluga whale

In Japanese, beluga whales are called ‘white dolphins’. When people think of dolphins, they might think of dolphin shows, typically involving dolphins jumping in a large pool. However, the shows here are a little different. The beluga whale show here takes place underwater. Visitors can sit in front of the tank where they can see the inside of the pool and watch the beluga whale going through a bubble ring. In 2007, this ring was trademarked the ‘Bubble of Happiness’. The beluga whale is also known as the ‘canary of the sea’. If you would like to find out why, be sure to pay them a visit in this aquarium.

A slightly unusual penguin exhibit

The Penguin Hall is a recommended exhibit. Here they use acrylic board so that you can observe their tank from below and it appears as though the penguins are flying in the sky. This is quite rare in Japan. There are also small windows into the penguin tank so that small children can look eye to eye with a penguin.

Engage with living creatures

In the ‘Iwami Touch Tank’ you can observe and touch creatures such as sea urchin and starfish. It is a very popular place with children.

Experience the mythical connection between sharks and the Shimane area

At the famous Izumo Taisha shrine in Shimane you can read a myth about sharks. Here in the aquarium, ‘The Sea of Mythology’ tank recreates this myth and you can see sharks swimming around. This huge panoramic tank weighs 1000 tons and has an undersea tunnel. Looking up at the sharks from the tunnel gives you the fantastic experience of feeling as though you are viewing them from the bottom of the sea.

Getting here


Admission Tickets, Price

Fees General One-year pass
Adult 1,540 yen 4,110 yen
Primary – high school student 510 yen 1,430 yen
Child (Ages 5 & under) free

Opening Hours & Calendar

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Last entry 4:00 p.m.)
Jul 20 – Aug 31 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (Last entry 5:00 p.m.)
Days closed
Tuesday (if a Tuesday is a national holiday, then the next day) *

*The aquarium opens every day throughout Golden Week and school summer holidays, as well as winter and spring holidays.

Official website

Shimane Aquarium AQUAS


Nursing Lounge

The aquarium has two nursing rooms for babies. Hot water is available for infant formula.

Coin lockers

The aquarium has a coin-operated lockers.

Baby stroller rental service

Baby strollers are available free of charge.

Wheelchair rental service

Wheelchairs are available free of charge.