Aquatotto Gifu (Gifu) – Access, Hours & Fees

Aqua Toto is located in Gifu Prefecture and is the world’s largest freshwater fish aquarium. It is positioned just a short drive from the highway making it perfect for a quick detour in the car. The exhibitions here begin with a focus on the Nagara River, central to Gifu Prefecture, and then broaden to other exhibitions of rivers and living creatures of the world. One of the oldest species of freshwater fish in the world, the pirarucu, is kept here in the Amazon River Zone on the first floor! You will be simultaneously surprised by his size and impressed by his primitive features.

Many details to satisfy

At Aqua Totto Gifu, there are excellent exhibitions of freshwater fish, reptiles and amphibians that have inhabited Japan for a long time. They have reproduced the ‘satoyama’ (the Japanese word for the area between mountain foothills and arable flat land) and ponds and keep birds here too, demonstrating to visitors the deep connection between animals and plants. This aquarium has a reputation not only for its large tanks but its recreation of the natural environment in small tanks. Here you will find frogs, salamander, small fish displayed carefully as to emphasize how special they are.

Feel the natural abundance of the Nagara River

This aquarium puts a lot of effort into the breeding and protection of local freshwater fish, exhibiting a large variety of creatures that live in the basin of the Nagara River. This river is representative of the natural environment in Gifu Prefecture. The Nagara River is famous for sweetfish, but we rarely think about what sweetfish eat. Here we have the chance to carefully observe their ecology.

There are also exhibits of fish that are familiar to Japanese such as carp, catfish, freshwater sprat, Japanese eel and more that might make visitors feel nostalgic. This is the place you might take your children to show them how many fish there used to be in our rivers. In the ‘Clear Stream Pool’, visitors can try fishing for fish that live in the Nagara River. This experience is a popular one.

Meet electric catfish and dwarf crocodile from the Congo River basin in Africa!

This aquarium does not only have Japanese fish, but also houses creatures from many of the world’s most famous rivers. Electric catfish are on display in the Congo River exhibition zone. Be sure to take a close look at them, as they use the power from their bodies to numb small fish and other prey. You can also see the west African dwarf crocodile that inhibits the river basin. It is significant to know that this alligator is currently endangered.

Getting here


Admission Tickets, Price

Fees General One-year pass
Adult 1,500 yen 3,000 yen
Middle & high shool student 1,100 yen 2,200  yen
Primary school student 750 yen 1,500 yen
Child (Ages 3+) 370 yen 740 yen

Opening Hours & Calendar

9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Last entry 4:00 p.m.)
Weekends and Holidays 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (Last entry 5:00 p.m.)
Days closed Open throughout the year*

*The schedule may vary. Please check the official website upon visiting.

Official website

Aquatotto Gifu


Nursing Lounge

The aquarium has a nursing room for babies.

Coin lockers

The aquarium has a coin-operated lockers.

Baby stroller rental service

Baby strollers are available free of charge.

Wheelchair rental service

Wheelchairs are available free of charge.

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